The Appendix to the fourth edition of 1973, which contained two texts, has here been expanded to include four additional pieces. It now begins with the new Notes on the Kantbook which Heidegger had inserted in his personal copy of the first edition. The note which was reproduced in facsimile form and transcribed as part of the foreword to the fourth edition [and which is found on page xii of the Gesamtausgabe edition — tr.] belongs to this same piece. An analysis of both the writing and content show it to date from the 1930s or 1940s.
The second piece is Heidegger’s Review of Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Part 2: Mythical Thinking (1925), which has not appeared in print since it was first published in the Deutsche Literaturzeitung in 1928. The published text was proofread against the manuscript found in Heidegger’s surviving papers — a careful clean copy. A reprint of this piece is among the insertions in Heidegger’s personal copy of the Kantbook.
The third place belongs to the summary, first published in the fourth edition and overseen by Heidegger himself, of his 1929 course at the second Davos Hochschule (March 17-April 6, 1929). This course consisted of three lectures on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and the Task of a Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics and is reprinted anew here. There is no manuscript of this summary or of the three lectures themselves in Heidegger’s surviving papers. The division of the three lectures mentioned in the summary shows that it arises from the division of the first three of the four total sections of the Kantbook. In the three Davos lectures, Heidegger carried forward the train of thought from the first three sections of the Kantbook, which appeared at the end of that same year. During the proofreading of the fourth edition of 1973, he informed the editor of the present volume that following his return from Davos, he immediately began working out the manuscript for the Kantbook and that after three weeks of uninterrupted work he had set it down in writing.
The next piece, which appeared previously in the fourth edition, is a summary of the Davos lectures, the account of the Davos Disputation between Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger. This disputation occurred in connection with a course of lectures held by Heidegger and Cassirer. Otto Friedrich Bollnow and Joachim Ritter, who were participants in the lecture course at the Davos Hochschule, prepared the summary. Because Heidegger did not have his own typewritten copy on hand during the time that the fourth edition was being prepared, Professor Otto Friedrich Bollnow graciously furnished his own copy for use as the book was being typeset. Since that time, however, Heidegger’s own copy has been located among his surviving papers. As a result of a new comparison of the typewritten text with the text as printed in the fourth edition, a few omissions have now been replaced.
Among the insertions in Heidegger’s personal copy of the first edition of the Kantbook is also an envelope bearing the handwritten inscription “Odebrecht’s and Cassirer’s Critique of the Kantbook. Basic question: Essence and grounding of the finitude of human knowledge — Problem of finitude in genera!.” The hand-written notes on the two reviews of the Kantbook (which appeared in 1931/32) contained in this envelope have been published in the Appendix [V in the present volume] under the title “On Odebrecht’s and Cassirer’s Critiques of the Kantbook.” The separata of both reviews have also been inserted in [Heidegger’s] personal copy. Some of them have been heavily worked through and supplied with numbered marginal notes, the content of which nevertheless continues to advance Heidegger’s critical response to both reviews. They are also arranged with numbers which, however, are consistent with the marginal notes from [Heidegger’s] personal copy of the Kantbook as printed in this volume. Ernst Cassirer’s review, entitled “Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics: Remarks on Martin Heidegger’s Kant Interpretation” appeared in Kantstudien XXXVI, number 1/2 (1931), pp. 1-26. Rudolf Odebrecht’s book review was published in Blätter für deutsche Philosophie V(1) (1931-32), pp. 132-35.
The Appendices conclude with a reprinting of the text “On the History of the Chair in Philosophy since 1866,” which Heidegger had published in 1927 in the Festschrift “Die Philipps-Universität zu Marburg 1527-1927.” Because Heidegger presented in this text the origin, development, effect, and re-constitution of the neo-Kantianism of the “Marburg School,” to which Ernst Cassirer also belonged, he decided that within the context of a Collected Edition of his writings, it should be included in the Appendix to the Kantbook.
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The transcription of the marginal notations and the various other pieces published for the first time in the Appendix was collated with Dr. Hermann Heidegger and Dr. Hartmut Tietjen. For this help in safeguarding lexical and textual continuity, I offer my sincere and heartfelt thanks.
Dr. Hans-Helmuth Gander helped me do the proofreading with proven circumspection and care, for which I also sincerely thank him.
Freiburg i. Br., May 1990
F.-W von Herrmann
The page numbers from the lecture manuscripts, to which Heidegger occasionally refers in his marginal notes, were replaced by the editor with the corresponding page numbers from the published versions that have appeared in the Gesamtausgabe in the interim. Likewise, references in Heidegger’s notations to editions, years, and page numbers of the work Vom Wesen des Grundes have been brought up to date.